I’m very excited to share with you some of my biggest learnings over the past 32 years. Having gone through depression, anger, illness, self sabotage and eventually self acceptance, to finally learning to love myself, I feel like the following list is a good summary of important lessons life has taught me:
- Your thoughts have created your life, whether you realise it or not.
- Exercise is not something you “do” but a way of life. Just as you eat daily, your body needs exercise every day. Period.
- Epsom salt bath is the best recovery from exercise, heals your skin, supports your liver, calms your mind, the list goes on…
- 2 litres of water is the minimum necessary to stay alive. To thrive, you need more.
- Only you are responsible for your health and wellbeing. No Doctor or Physician is responsible. They are paid to care. It is their day job. Know the difference!
- Love yourself, and watch as the love floods your life from everyone and everything 🙂
- Health is not just about your body. Health shows up in your relationships and your finances.
- Your physical space is a reflection of your internal mental and emotional space. Clutter in your home is just postponed decisions you must attend to, to free your mind and Spirit.
- The majority of your diet must be foods that grow from nature, not mass produced in factories.
- Luxury is nice. But the biggest luxury is time and silence.
- Enjoy your alone time. If you don’t like your company, no one else will.
- Be your real self, however quirky that might be. And the right people will love you for it.
- Reduce your sugar intake and stop ageing unnecessarily. Give your body a break. Eliminate all sugar from your main meals. Instead save the sugar for special occasions and occasional desserts.
- It’s okay to take time out sometimes. You need just as much time to relax and be, as you need actively pursuing your goals.
- Take pleasure in everyday things, whether it’s having dinner or doing the washing. Life is made up of a series of small ordinary tasks, not just the big events.
- A little planning on the weekend results in a easier, more organised week.
- Set your goals high, and don’t tell anyone. It’s one thing to doubt yourself, you don’t need to invite other people’s insecurities and opinions into the mix.
- Your relationships are a reflection of your own inner energy, so don’t give your power away by blaming others. Change yourself internally and watch as the people around you change.
- Take time to relax every day. Don’t try to do everything, don’t try to achieve goals or prove yourself to anyone, including yourself. Just be. While it sounds easy, it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever ‘done’.
- It’s that moment when you decide once and for all, you’re done. You’re done with trying, you’re done proving, you’re done defending. That’s when things begin to change for you. That’s when your resistance finally subsides.
- Don’t lie, especially to children. They know you’re lying. They can tell the difference between your energy and the words coming out of your mouth. Don’t teach them inauthenticity at such a tender age.
- Worrying is not harmless. Worrying gives energy to what you don’t want, helping more unwanted stuff occur in your life. It’s like planning for the unwanted. You’re bound to attract more unwanted to your life.
- The kinder I am to myself on the weekend, the better life plays out during the week.
- The more you believe in yourself, the less you need to control anyone or anything.
- Enjoy life now, as you never know how different things will be in 12 months time.
- Be yourself and forget about everything else. People are smarter than they show, and it’s not long before they recognise authenticity.
- The people you secretly admire, are secretly admiring you. Everyone is just afraid of making the first move and appearing vulnerable.
- At our core, we all just want to love and be loved.
- Despite it all, the Universe is a pretty wonderful place.
- The mostly calming affirmation is “Everything always works out for me. I am always taken care of”.
- The truth doesn’t stay hidden for long. Do the right thing and let everything else be.
- As soon as you start to appreciate yourself, doors open to you in unexpected ways.
What about you? what would you add to this list? I’d love to hear your thoughts and uplifting life lessons
Beautiful. Thank you. I have referenced your Louise L Hay list a number of times over the years too. Thank you for that. =)
View CommentThank you Ericka, I’m happy you like my content 🙂
View CommentFantastic – loved reading that list.. you’re very wise xx
View CommentThanks Maudie, you sound like a very open minded person 🙂
View CommentAs I was reading through the list I thought… I’d like to remember every single one of this lessons every single day! So…Printing your 32 lessons right now! I love this post, and also the one about the *Causes of Symptoms According to Louis Hay*, that is what led me to your site in the first place. A deep and sincere thank you!
View CommentThank you very much Rafa, I’m so glad you loved it!
View Comment🙂
Agree with most of the comments already made. I have Louise L Hays book but have also referrred to your list many times. Your 32 life lessons are a timely reminder about what really matters. Thanks for making these lists so readily availabale. Much appreciateion 🙂
View CommentThanks Beks, I really appreciate your appreciation 🙂
View CommentLoved it…was feeling low after a chemo and this rejuvenated me
View CommentDear Farnaz,
No coincidence that “I found your words of wisdom and inspiration at a difficult time of change in my life. I am living in Post Hurricane Maria with our world turned up side down. We are safe and we are grateful…
View CommentBlessings,
Thank you for sharing this! Great read. Just stumbled on your website and I love it.
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