You create your own reality. And today we want to say that in the clearest way yet: You create the vibrational atmosphere which equals your vibrational point of attraction, and then, the Law of Attraction matches you with things like you.
Excerpted from: Phoenix, AZ on February 01, 2014
Hi Farnaz, if someone accused me of something and I disagree, should I defend myself? Lots of time when I did that it ended in never ending arguments. But I feel I need to express my point of view so they don’t have a wrong impression of me. Thanks before 🙂
View CommentHi Maya, very good question 😉
The answer depends on how you feel when you defend/try to prove yourself compared to deciding to walk away.
I also used to feel the need to defend, but it never felt good. You feel it deep inside, deep down you know that you should not have to prove yourself to anyone, right?
Also like you said, it can end up in an argument because the other person also feels like defending their point of view, and it just keeps going.
My advice to you as always is to go with whatever feels better to you at the time, depending on the subject, how you are feeling at the time, the situation etc
I personally don’t have the desire to explain myself to anyone any more and i try to avoid it as much as possible. But my confidence has also increased so im not as concerned about their point of view.
The higher your confidence and self esteem, the less time you give to anyones opinion of you. And you also know that you have done the right thing anyway, so whether this person knows it or not, it doesn’t matter right? i believe as long as you do the right thing and know it in your heart, you don’t need to explain yourself 🙂
View CommentWhat do you think?
I agree! Thank you :)))
View CommentI’m finding more and more people have what’s called Limes Disease. I didn’t find this listed anywhere. Why did I choose this disease?
View CommentWhat is it my bodies telling me
Hello Sher,
Your question is quite common actually, as people who are starting to learn that their thoughts create their reality wonder what thoughts lead to a illness. What ive explained in both my book The Alchemy of Healing and also in various posts such as How to heal your body is that its much more effective for you to raise your level of happiness in order to heal, instead of looking for thoughts that lead to the illness.
View CommentIts too difficult to go back in time and analyse millions of thoughts that could have been responsible for your illness. You will heal a lot quicker if you just focus on getting happier today, as your body knows how to self-heal, but can only self-heal if you are in a good emotional state.
Your body is telling you it is suffering in your negative emotional state, our bodies break down when we are not well emotionally
I hope this clarifies, have a read through my website and let me know any questions you may still have 🙂