I was recently approached by Ellis Bien Ilas from Soul First Aid for an interview.
Ellis was a pleasure to interact with and asked some thought provoking questions. I was as honest as I could be, so I hope you get something out of it.
Please visit his website to read the full interview but here is a short snapshot:
4. At specific points in my healing journey, I have often struggled with accepting my current reality at the time. Do you think accepting where we are is a critical prerequisite to healing?
It depends what you mean by “accepting”. I would not ever accept my ailments because I see acceptance as accepting defeat, which most people don’t like the feeling of. If however by “accepting” you mean “acknowledge where you are, and believe the future will be different”, then that I agree with. The closest i came to accepting my health problems was realising I needed to let go a little, simply because I had tried for so long to….click here for full interview
And as always, I’d love to hear your feedback so leave me a comment below
Photo by Jason Wong on Unsplash
Do you have a newsletter i can subscribe to? I love your book and your posts. Really inspiring and helpful. Thank you so so much.
View Commenthi Tom,
thank you for your suggestion. You have inspired me to start one 🙂
I’ve been very busy with life and must admit I’m way behind on posting new articles.
Hopefully once things have settled down I will start a newsletter 🙂
View Commentfarnaz